Frequently Asked Questions

How does this work?

Simply create an account

Choose a restaurant

Select your order items

Checkout - We accept credit or cash

How long will my delivery take?

It depends on the situation, most orders are fulfilled within 30-45 minutes.

How much does delivery cost?

Our standard delivery fee is $3.99 for any destination within 5 miles of the restaurant. After 5 miles, there is a $1.00 per mile charge.

I have a large catering order. How much notice do you need?

Large orders require a minimum of 24 hours notice.

What if I have an issue with my order?

Mistakes happen sometimes. We strive to stand out in those situations by going the extra mile to fix it. If there is an issue with your order, you can email or call us directly and we will make every effort to fix the situation.

Is tipping manditory?

Tipping is not manditory, but if you feel like you have been well served, please feel free to tip your driver for their service. If you feel like your driver's service was lacking in any way, please let us know about it so we can address the situation.